Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Student Life at WSUV

The ASWSUV holds a variety of events throughout the academic year. Many students are familiar with the free pizza and flock to grab a few pieces around lunchtime. Sandwich boards and flyers announce upcoming activities. Is this enough for a commuter campus? Does it reach the diverse population?

I asked student Mark Oliver how he felt student S&A fees were being spent. "It would be nice if they asked older students what they would like to do," Oliver states, "tickets and outings are great, but there are not many educational activities, like a trip to an art gallery or a museum."

Most of the planning for student activities seems to be targeted for the typical college-aged student (19-25). Older students often have jobs and families which limit the time they have available to participate in these student activities.

Prior to Fall 2006, more than 75% of the student population comprised of older students returning to college. This was mostly due to curriculum being limited to upper division courses. Since the introduction of Freshmen and Sophomore level courses, the median age has dropped, but much of the student population is still comprised of older students.

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