Tuesday, April 29, 2008

End of Spring Semester 2008

Since I dropped the class that required the blog in March. I have not posted to it since. I did however wish to leave it active for classmates to review or refer to as necessary, and possibly add further comments if I felt the urge. Sadly, I have been too busy with other classes to return and post.

I will now close this Blog to further entries as of this week since it has no further purpose for this topic.

If I choose to Blog in the future, it will be on a different topic and in a new Blog. My personal preference for internet communication at this time remains with forums and instant messaging, but I will keep an open mind for the purpose of blogging. I even have a php blog script for use on a personal website if I choose to use it.

I wish all WSUV students well in their studies and beyond, especially beyond ~ that's when we all need it. I do not know what the future holds for me and I can only hope that I fare better than I have in the past. That is the whole point of furthering education.